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What you should know before starting a career in Arboriculture

Apr 6

What you should know before starting a career in Arboriculture

Arborists can also be called Baumpflegerins or arbolistas. There are many professionals involved in arboriculture. Arboriculture is a wide-ranging field in which people can practice it in a variety of ways.

Arboriculture can be defined as "the cultivation and management of individual trees, shrubs or vines, and the study of other perennial woody species." This broadens the scope of an arborist’s work. This encompasses everything from selecting the right plants for a site to caring for and removing trees as needed.

Our focus as arborists, however, is on individual trees. This focus on individual trees is what makes arborists different from foresters. It's because the arborists only have one job: to cut down the forest. A wide range of tasks is involved in caring for trees. These include planting, diagnosing, treating, and, when necessary removing.

At their core, all of these work phases share the same requirements:

  • Being safety-conscious.
  • The science of science.
  • To be able to execute the task precisely.

A trainee should approach the process with curiosity and humility. We will teach you all the skills necessary to be a great arborist.

What is a good Arborist?

Tree work is extremely dangerous. However, arborists can minimize the dangers of tree work by approaching it with respect and care. Tree crew members must be alert and have a sense of self-preservation. Because of the dangers involved in tree care, it's best to have a team of arborists. When times get difficult or the situation becomes stressful like storm cleanup, collaboration is key. However, the feeling of accomplishment when working with a team to complete a complex task and seeing the results at the end is something that's hard to beat.

Tree Trimmers Kansas City applies a scientific approach to all aspects of tree care. We use the latest knowledge and best management practices in tree care to inform our decisions. Although it is important to have a relevant degree, it is not necessary. But curiosity and an interest in learning more about trees are what's most important. Many arborists have acquired all of their knowledge through self-study and attendance at continuing education seminars.

There is no other way of putting it: tree work can be hard work. It's physically demanding, challenging mentally, and extremely technical. It's rewarding because few other careers give you such a strong sense of accomplishment. Tree climbing can feel almost like art in motion. Operating hydraulic equipment can make the operator feel as though it is an extension of their body. Successful arborists have the ability to remain resilient, and they understand that it takes time to learn the skills needed for the job.

What is the best way to become an arborist?

The beginning stages of a career within arboriculture are similar to the rest. As a trainee arborist, you will need to have a good understanding of the environment in which they work, how to use tools safely and how to identify and care for trees. Arborist skills are special and cannot be taught in an academic setting. To help an aspiring arborist grow in his career, hands-on training is essential. This is particularly important for trainee arborists that are interested in working high, either using ropes or aerial lift equipment.

Tree Trimmers Kansas City uses the Tree Care Industry Association’s Tree Care Academy Career Pathway to complement our in-house program and give the knowledge and skills to be an arborist for tree removal or pruning crew.

Tree Care Academy combines online coursework with practical skills testing. Tree Care Academy helps ensure that our training program meets all OSHA/ANSI standards. It serves as a base for career-long and ongoing safety training.



Tree Trimmers Kansas City

1503 N 5th St, Kansas City, KS 66101, USA

(913) 382 8880